

GMI work over the past decade !



  • •2013: Setting up of the physical infrastructure, base stations for the e- learning pilot project for Zimbabwe. Selected schools were Zimbabwe Republic Police Primary School, Chogugudza and Parirewa Primary Schools.
  • •2013: Carried out presentations to selected Universities among them University of Zimbabwe and Chinhoyi University of Technology at our premises, GMI house in Eastlea on the changing trends of university education to more practical and production oriented focussing on innovation.
  • •2014: Organised the first ever Zimbabwe Angola business excursion where we went to Luanda and Kwando Kubangu provinces with Zimbabwean Chief Executive Officers and private entrepreneurs.
  • •2016: Organised the first ever Zimbabwe Moscow Chamber business meetings held in Moscow, Dubnar and Dmitrov. Government officials, Captains of Industry and entrepreneurs met with some of the members of the then two hundred thousand Moscow Chamber members.
  • •2018: Meetings with the Hon Minister Prof Amon Murwira updating him on our previous work in the space he is so passionate about, education 5.0. The Ministry mandated GMI at the time to help raise funds for the construction of Innovation Hubs in Universities which GMI undertook and mobilised potential funders from Eastern Europe and handed them over to the Ministry.
  • •2019: Introduction of MTD, Malaysia Technology Development Corporation, one of the global leaders in the methodology of running Innovation hubs with over 32 years’ experience, to The Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education. Presentations where done by the visiting Malaysian team which went on to visit the University of Zimbabwe Innovation Hub which was under construction.